Table of Contents

The Table of Contents (ToC) is defined inside the nbook.nim (you can pick another name for the file but in the documentation we will refer to it as nbook.nim). As an example here is nbook.nim for this book (nimibook documentation):

import nimibook

var book = initBookWithToc:
  entry("Introduction", "index", numbered = false) # .nim extension is optional
  entry("Content", "content")
  entry("Table of Contents", "toc")
  entry("Configuration", "configuration")
  entry("Commands", "cli")
  entry("Licenses", "licenses")
  section("Example toc structure", "tocexample/"):
    section("Nested section", ""):
      entry("Entry in nested section", "")
    entry("Back to parent section", "")
    draft("Draft chapter")

From the above example you can see that:

  • ToC is defined inside initBookWithToc block
  • chapters that do not start a section are created with entry
  • entry accepts two string parameters: chapter title and source path
  • source path is relative to book source folder
  • source extension defaults to .nim, to use a markdown source you need to explict mark it as .md
  • chapters that start a section are created with section and start a new block
    • note that the path of section folder is added implicitly to all childrens (entries or sections) of a section (e.g. is inside tocexample folder)
  • draft chapters (placeholders in the ToC without source) are created with draft

In the future nimibook will support the same mechanism as in mdbook. Note that currently nimibook does not support part title and separators (available in mdbook).