🏡 nolan.nim

This nimib example document shows:

It reorders a Limerick according to Nolan's Memento film structure.

Click on Show Source at the bottom to see the nim file that generates this document. To see the variant with no Show Source click here


5 But when I get to the last line I try to fit in as many words as I can."

1 There was a young man from Japan

4 He said "I do try!

2 Whose limericks never would scan.

3 And when they asked why,

import nimib
import strutils, sequtils, strformat

nbText: """
> This nimib example document shows:
>   * how to use `nbDoc.blocks` api to change the order of presentation of blocks.
>   * how to change the output of a previous block
>   * how to save a variant of a document
>   * how to opt-out of Show Source functionality
> It reorders a **Limerick** according to Nolan's [Memento film structure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memento_(film)#Film_structure).
let filename_variant = nb.filename.replace(".html", "_no_source.html")
let iChange = nb.blocks.len
> Click on `Show Source` at the bottom to see the nim file that generates this document.
> To see the variant with no Show Source [click here]({(filename_variant.AbsoluteFile).relPath})

proc mix[T](s: seq[T]): seq[T] =
    i = 0
    j = s.len - 1
  while true:
    if j < i:
    result.add s[j]
    if j == i:
    result.add s[i]
    inc i
    dec j

nbText: "# " & mix(toSeq("Limerick")).join
let iStart = nb.blocks.len
nbText: "`1` There was a young man from Japan"
nbText: "`2` Whose limericks never would scan."
nbText: "`3` And when they asked why,"
nbText: "`4` He said \"I do try!"
nbtext: "`5` But when I get to the last line I try to fit in as many words as I can.\""
let iEnd = nb.blocks.len

nb.blocks[iStart ..< iEnd] = mix(nb.blocks[iStart ..< iEnd])


# save another document without source to test the opt-out of Show Source feature
nbText: "---\n> This is how we can remove the `Show Source` functionality"
  nb.context["no_source"] = true
# we will generate this last block to change a previous block and then remove it
> To see the variant with Show Source [click here]({(nb.filename.AbsoluteFile).relPath})
nb.blocks[iChange] = nbDoc.blocks.pop
nb.filename = filename_variant