🏡 hello.nim

Secret talk with a computer

Let me show you how to talk with the computer like a real hacker and incidentally you might learn the basics of nimib.

A secret message

Inside this document is hidden a secret message. I will ask the computer to spit it out:

echo secret
[104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]

what does this integer sequence mean? Am I supposed to recognize it?

A cryptoanalytic weapon

Luckily I happen to have a nim implementation of a recently declassified top-secret cryptoanalytic weapon:

func decode(secret: openArray[int]): string =
  ## classified by NSA as <strong>TOP SECRET</strong>
  for c in secret:
    result.add char(c)

The great revelation

Now I can just apply it to my secret message and finally decrypt what the computer wants to tell me:

let msg = decode secret
echo msg  # what will it say?
hello, world

Hey, there must be a bug somewhere, the message (hello, world) is not even addressed to me!

import strformat, strutils
import nimib


nbText: """
## Secret talk with a computer
Let me show you how to talk with the computer like a [real hacker](https://mango.pdf.zone/)
and incidentally you might learn the basics of [nimib](https://github.com/pietroppeter/nimib).
### A secret message
Inside this document is hidden a secret message. I will ask the computer to spit it out:

let secret = [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]

  echo secret

nbText: fmt"""
what does this integer sequence mean?
Am I supposed to [recognize it](https://oeis.org/search?q={secret.join("%2C+")}&language=english&go=Search)?

### A cryptoanalytic weapon
Luckily I happen to have a [nim](https://nim-lang.org/) implementation of
a recently declassified top-secret cryptoanalytic weapon:"""

  func decode(secret: openArray[int]): string =
    ## classified by NSA as <strong>TOP SECRET</strong>
    for c in secret:
      result.add char(c)

nbText: """
  ### The great revelation
  Now I can just apply it to my secret message and
  finally decrypt what the computer wants to tell me:"""

  let msg = decode secret
  echo msg  # what will it say?

  fmt"_Hey_, there must be a bug somewhere, the message (`{msg}`) is not even addressed to me!"
