Yesterday was my last day as “Happily Unemployed” (felicemente disoccupato).
Roughly 4 months ago I resigned. I was close to reaching 9 years of growth and joys and sorrows (of life, one would say) at the same company. It has been a very nice percorso (a better word is camino from Spanish, 'path' comes in third). I have met a number of beautiful people there. It was time for a change.
Shortly before resigning I watched an interview of Salvatore Sanfilippo where he states the following four rules that have helped him conduct himself throughout the years (my wording):
These rules look like a nice tool for thought to keep in mind.
This last month of October, actually this last 4 weeks of being happily unemployed, have been a special period. I focused on resting, taking care of myself and my family and prepare for the next steps. I have met even more people through some wonderful tech communities. I was surprised by how many things you have to do when you do not actually have anything you really have to do. Of course I planned for more than I could chew, took a hit and realized I should just enjoy this period. I did. This last week was nothing short of amazing.
Today I start recursing.
I will say more about that, but the most practical matter at the moment is that I will need to change my schedule. I will have to be working with other people mostly in the late afternoon and in the evening. This is the first challenge.
Have a good day y’all! 😊