--- Day 3: Rucksack Reorganization ---
--- Part 1 ---
parsing input
proc parse(text: string): seq[(string, string)] =
for line in text.splitLines:
assert line.len mod 2 == 0
result.add (line[0 ..< (line.len div 2)], line[(line.len div 2) .. line.high])
let sacks = parse(day.filename.readFile)
for i in 0..2:
echo sacks[i][0]
echo sacks[i][1]
echo ""
echo "#sacks: ", len sacks
echo "max len compartment: ", max(sacks.mapIt(it[0].len))
PcPlnShmrLmBnmcwBhrmcm bHNGFGpwdFFwGNjNbGqNHH tzQfRJfWZZztWzVtCTfRz FZjpFjNZjGLHbdHLDdjpb CCQTzRLzvQVVfRzJfM PsnBlglgPmBgPmvSrl #sacks: 300 max len compartment: 24
find matching character (not caring much about performance)
func match(sack: (string, string)): char =
for c in sack[1]:
if c in sack[0]:
return c
let example = """
let exampleSacks = parse example
echo exampleSacks.mapIt(match it) # expect pLPvts
@['p', 'L', 'P', 'v', 't', 's']
computing priority
func priority(c: char): int =
if c.isLowerAscii:
c.ord - 'a'.ord + 1
elif c.isUpperAscii:
c.ord - 'A'.ord + 27
func part1(sacks: seq[(string, string)]): int =
sum sacks.mapIt(priority match it)
echo part1 exampleSacks # expect 157
echo part1 sacks
157 7831
That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to collecting enough star fruit.
--- Part 2 ---
group match
func toSet(sack: (string, string)): HashSet[char] =
toHashSet(sack[0]) + toHashSet(sack[1])
func groupMatch(sacks: seq[(string, string)]): char =
var matches = sacks[0].toSet
for i in 1 .. sacks.high:
matches = matches * sacks[i].toSet
assert len(matches) == 1
for c in matches:
return c
echo groupMatch(exampleSacks[0..2]) # r
echo groupMatch(exampleSacks[3..5]) # Z
r Z
func part2(sacks: seq[(string, string)]): int =
assert (len sacks) mod 3 == 0
var i = 0
while i < len sacks:
result += priority groupMatch(sacks[i ..< i + 3])
inc i, 3
echo part2 exampleSacks # 70
echo part2 sacks
70 2683
That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to collecting enough star fruit.