🏡 2022/day01.nim

Day 1: Calorie Counting

  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2
  3. Seen around
  4. Visualization🌸

First day of new year of advent of code, happy to be back here having fun with nim and nimib and blogging about it. The idea for this year is to try and make visualization with p5nim.

Another thing I will be doing is using batteries for importing common stdlib modules. This is a nice convenience module that was supposed to improve on pattern of doing include prelude but it was decided not to put it in stdlib and you can now install it with nimble.

import batteries

Part 1

Solving any puzzle you take a lot of micro decision. Often I like to separate parsing and processing, but in cases like today it is very convenient to do both at once:

  elfs: seq[seq[int]]
  elf: seq[int]
  maxCalories: int

for line in day.filename.lines:
  if len(line.strip) > 0:
    elf.add parseInt(line)
    elfs.add elf
    if sum(elf) > maxCalories:
      maxCalories = sum(elf)
    elf = @[]
# at the end I still need to add last elf
if len(elf) > 0:
  elfs.add elf
  # and maybe he is the one bringing most calories
  if sum(elf) > maxCalories:
    maxCalories = sum(elf)

echo maxCalories

That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to collecting enough star fruit.

Part 2

Easiest (not most performant) to get top three is to sort:

sort(elfs, ((elfA, elfB) => sum(elfA) - sum(elfB)), order=SortOrder.Descending)

echo sum elfs[0..2].mapIt(sum it)

That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to collecting enough star fruit.

Seen around

Section "seen around" is where I gather interesting stuff seen around about advent of code for today:


Let's look at total food and number of elfs before visualizing.

echo sum elfs.mapIt(sum it)
echo len(elfs)

Here is a very simple visualization:

  ratio = 100.0
  hElf = 2
  idxWait = 100
var idx = -20

proc showElf(x, y: float, food: seq[int], colors: seq[string]) =
  translate(x, y)
  for i, f in food:
    fill(colors[i mod colors.len])
    rect(0, 0, f / ratio, hElf)
    translate(f / ratio, 0)

echo elfs
  createCanvas(800, hElf*len(elfs))
  #createCanvas(800, 800)
  if idx < elfs.len:
    if idx >= 0: # wait before starting
      showElf(0, hElf*idx, elfs[idx], palettes[idx mod len palettes])
    inc idx
    # wait a moment
    inc idx
    if idx > elfs.len + idxWait:
      idx = -60

for an older version of this visualization go here

import nimib, aoc22, p5
let day = Day(
  num: 1,
  title: "Calorie Counting",
  summary: ""

  import p5aoc
nbText: day.mdTitle
nbText: """
1. [Part 1](#part1)
2. [Part 2](#part2)
3. [Seen around](#around)
4. [Visualization🌸](#viz)

First day of new year of advent of code, happy to be back here having fun with [nim]
and [nimib] and blogging about it. The idea for this year is to try and make visualization
with [p5nim].

Another thing I will be doing is using [batteries] for importing common stdlib modules.
This is a nice convenience module that was supposed to improve on pattern of doing `include prelude`
but it was [decided not to] put it in stdlib and you can now install it with [nimble].

[decided not to]: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/20041
""" & mdRefs
  import batteries
nbText: """### <a name="part1" href="#part1">Part 1</a>
Solving any puzzle you take a lot of micro decision.
Often I like to separate parsing and processing, but in cases like today
it is very convenient to do both at once:
    elfs: seq[seq[int]]
    elf: seq[int]
    maxCalories: int

  for line in day.filename.lines:
    if len(line.strip) > 0:
      elf.add parseInt(line)
      elfs.add elf
      if sum(elf) > maxCalories:
        maxCalories = sum(elf)
      elf = @[]
  # at the end I still need to add last elf
  if len(elf) > 0:
    elfs.add elf
    # and maybe he is the one bringing most calories
    if sum(elf) > maxCalories:
      maxCalories = sum(elf)

  echo maxCalories
nbText: """### <a name="part2" href="part2">Part 2</a>
Easiest (not most performant) to get top three is to sort:
  sort(elfs, ((elfA, elfB) => sum(elfA) - sum(elfB)), order=SortOrder.Descending)

  echo sum elfs[0..2].mapIt(sum it)
nbText: """### <a name="around" href="#around">Seen around</a>
Section "seen around" is where I gather interesting stuff seen around about advent of code for today:

- [daily solution megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/z9ezjb/2022_day_1_solutions/) to post your solution (I did!).
seen a couple of people doing it in Nim
- community [fun event thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/z9he28/advent_of_code_2022_mistiltoe_elfucation/)
(I will have to participate with p5nim project)
- unofficial participant [survey](https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/z9eoer/unofficial_aoc_2022_participant_survey/),
do it and mention you are using Nim! (I did complete the survey)
- a nice [visualization](https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/z9kk1m/2022_day_1_adding_up_the_calories/)
(apparently done in PyCairo)
- eric wastl aka r/topaz aka creator of adventofcode is worried about user agents
and has [some advice to give](https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/z9dhtd/please_include_your_contact_info_in_the_useragent/)
- this year we will have lots of AI generated visualizations here is [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/z9g0i0/ai_imagine_advent_of_code_2022_day_1/)
and [another (with demons)](https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/z9iz9t/i_may_have_mistyped_santa/)
- I did also post [my visualization](https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/za0xyr/2022_day_1nim_visualization_with_nim_bindings_to/)
on the subreddit
- this year are back the most beatiful nim solutions, the ones by [MichalMarsalek](https://github.com/MichalMarsalek/Advent-of-code/blob/master/2022/Nim/day1.nim)
- PMunch is streaming again this year! you can watch it [here](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1667530842)
(starts around 3:40, I am listening to it now)
- someone is solving aoc with [github copilot](https://twitter.com/TheZachMueller/status/1598342197816004608)
(the idea comes from a nice discord of data professionals emigrated from twitter, you can find the prompt in the #advent-of-code chat there [invite](https://discord.gg/jW52MxX5))
- will Peter Norvig do advent of code this year? has not started committing yet, if he does
it will appear in his [pytudes repo](https://github.com/norvig/pytudes)
- Jari Komppa last year did a great series of gifs for solutions, he is going
at it [this year](https://twitter.com/Sol_HSA/status/1598192914781597696?s=20&t=NzB5qlmO7tj5HRiSNPGdeQ) too
nbText: """### Visualization

Let's look at total food and number of elfs before visualizing.
  echo sum elfs.mapIt(sum it)
  echo len(elfs)

template myJsWithCaptures(body: untyped) =

nbText: """
Here is a very simple visualization:
  - plot a rectangle for every elf, with length proportional to the food
  - every piece of food is colored with a color extracted from a palette
  - list of palettes is taken from [takawo]
  - I also wait a moment before starting and wait also at the end

[takawo]: https://openprocessing.org/sketch/1751402
    ratio = 100.0
    hElf = 2
    idxWait = 100
  var idx = -20

  proc showElf(x, y: float, food: seq[int], colors: seq[string]) =
    translate(x, y)
    for i, f in food:
      fill(colors[i mod colors.len])
      rect(0, 0, f / ratio, hElf)
      translate(f / ratio, 0)

  echo elfs
    createCanvas(800, hElf*len(elfs))
    #createCanvas(800, 800)
    if idx < elfs.len:
      if idx >= 0: # wait before starting
        showElf(0, hElf*idx, elfs[idx], palettes[idx mod len palettes])
      inc idx
      # wait a moment
      inc idx
      if idx > elfs.len + idxWait:
        idx = -60
nbRawHtml: "<a name=\"viz\"></a>"
    if $key == "s":
      saveGif("day01", 3)
nbText: "for an older version of this visualization go [here](day01_viz1.html)"
this does not work, issue with capturing variables?

  echo elfs
- [ ] investigate and produce minimial repr example (and submit issue to nimib)

another issue: SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)

-> this might be a bug in orc (in my current nim 1.6.6)! if I remove orc it works!

# saving gif does not work