Day 15: Chiton
Today is about path search on a grid. I tend to struggle with these since I never properly studied the theory.
Part 1
We need to go from top left to bottom right minimizing sum of risk. My strategy will be to create from given grid a new grid that at every "node" (it usually pays to think of these problems in terms of graphs), will tell me the direction I should come from in order to minimize the risk and get there. The final path will be found by following directions from bottom right.
Here are the inputs:
testInput = """
puzzleInput = readFile("2021/input15.txt")
I will be using grid code from my Day09 (no blogpost published), copying and pasting here the useful bits (I will need to think of an ergonomic way to import from a notebook). I am also fine with having a sentinel value for stuff outside the grid that is a high value.
Coord = tuple[x, y: int]
Grid[T] = object
data: seq[T]
yLen, xLen: int
sentinel: T # value for outside the grid
GridInt = Grid[int]
Dir = enum
right, down, left, up
func isOutside[T](c: Coord, g: Grid[T]): bool =
c.x < 0 or c.x >= g.xLen or c.y < 0 or c.y >= g.yLen
func toIndex[T](g: Grid[T], c: Coord): int =
if c.isOutside(g):
c.y*g.xLen + c.x
func `[]`[T](g: Grid[T], c: Coord): T =
let i = g.toIndex(c)
if i < 0:
# added today
func `[]=`[T](g: var Grid[T], c: Coord, value: T) =
let i = g.toIndex(c)
if i >= 0:[i] = value
func parseInt(c: char): int =
result = ord(c) - ord('0')
assert result >= 0 and result <= 9
func parse(text: string): GridInt =
# = newSeqOfCap(text.len)
for line in text.strip.splitLines:
inc result.yLen
if result.xLen == 0:
result.xLen = line.len
assert line.len == result.xLen
result.sentinel = int.high
iterator coords[T](g: Grid[T]): Coord =
for y in 0 ..< g.yLen:
for x in 0 ..< g.xLen:
yield (x, y)
func `+`(c: Coord, dir: Dir): Coord =
case dir
of right:
(c.x + 1, c.y)
of down:
(c.x, c.y + 1)
of left:
(c.x - 1, c.y)
of up:
(c.x, c.y - 1)
Let's use it to parse inputs:
testGrid = parse testInput
puzzleGrid = parse puzzleInput
dump (testGrid.xlen, testGrid.ylen)
dump (puzzleGrid.xlen, puzzleGrid.ylen)
dump testGrid.sentinel
(testGrid.xlen, testGrid.ylen) = (10, 10) (puzzleGrid.xlen, puzzleGrid.ylen) = (100, 100) testGrid.sentinel = 9223372036854775807
I am not using a GridDiff
(I did not copy related code),
I will be using a GridRisk
which will tell
me minimal total risk up to here and best direction I should come from.
I will also use show functions to debug.
Risk = tuple[risk: int, dir: Dir]
GridRisk = Grid[Risk]
func show(g: GridInt): string =
for c in g.coords:
result.add $g[c]
if c.x == g.xLen - 1:
result.add '\n'
func show(g: GridRisk, paddingCount=4): string =
for c in g.coords:
if g[c].risk < g.sentinel.risk:
result.add align($(g[c].risk), paddingCount)
result.add align("*", paddingCount)
if c.x == g.xLen - 1:
result.add '\n'
echo show testGrid
1163751742 1381373672 2136511328 3694931569 7463417111 1319128137 1359912421 3125421639 1293138521 2311944581
Here is the heart of the problem. Key for this is realizing how to compute incrementally compute the risk.
func computeRisk(g: GridInt, gr: GridRisk, c: Coord): Risk =
## Computes Risk at Coord assuming Risk has been computed
## for cells on the left and above
riskUp = gr[c + up].risk + g[c]
riskLeft = gr[c + left].risk + g[c]
#debugEcho "computeRisk for c: ", c
#debugEcho " riskUp: ", riskUp
#debugEcho " riskLeft: ", riskLeft
if riskUp <= riskLeft:
(riskUp, up)
(riskLeft, left)
func computeGridRisk(g: GridInt): GridRisk =
result.xLen = g.xLen
result.yLen = g.ylen
result.sentinel = (g.sentinel - 10, up) # forgot this line on first try
# need to do - 10 to avoid overflow = @[(0, up)] # risk for initial position does not count
for c in g.coords:
if c == (0, 0): continue g.computeRisk(result, c)
func part1(gr: GridRisk): int =
gr[(gr.xLen - 1, gr.yLen - 1)].risk
testGridRisk = computeGridRisk testGrid
puzzleGridRisk = computeGridRisk puzzleGrid
echo show testGridRisk
dump part1 testGridRisk
dump part1 puzzleGridRisk # 719 wrong, too high!
0 1 7 10 17 22 23 30 34 36 1 4 12 11 14 21 24 30 37 38 3 4 7 13 18 19 20 23 25 33 6 10 16 17 26 22 21 26 31 40 13 14 20 20 24 23 28 27 28 29 14 17 18 27 25 25 33 28 31 36 15 18 23 32 34 26 28 32 33 34 18 19 21 26 30 28 29 35 36 43 19 21 30 29 30 31 37 40 38 39 21 24 25 26 35 35 39 44 46 40 part1 testGridRisk = 40 part1 puzzleGridRisk = 719
I am stuck at the moment with a correct test result and an incorrect puzzle result. Not really sure how to debug.
... after looking at our discord aoc I got a useful hint (thanks @Michal58!), the example only gives a path where the solution only goes down and to the right and this was also my (wrong) assumption! It is indeed possible for a minimal solution to wiggle around all directions but my algorithm for sure is not going to find it.
So I really need to implement Dijkstra or A* algorithm!
But first let me give a minimal example that makes it clear why I need the better approach:
hintInput = "19999\n19111\n11191"
hintGrid = parse hintInput
hintGridRisk = computeGridRisk hintGrid
echo show hintGrid, "\n", show hintGridRisk
19999 19111 11191 0 9 18 27 36 1 10 11 12 13 2 3 4 13 14
... (a few hours later) back to writing the blogpost and writing my solution.
This morning I shared the hint on advent of code subreddit and it has been quite popular! The irony is that I have not yet taken advantage of the hint and finalized my solution 😁, so let's get to it.
I will implement Dijkstra's algorithm because it is simpler than A* (although in general less powerful) and also because of its compelling history (did you open last link on a chromium based browser? did you know what text-fragments are? I didn't but having seen some weird highlighted stuff after google results I got curious...).
I will still be using my GridRisk
type although it seems not completely appropriate...
The risk
value will be the distance, I will try also to set the correct distance.
In the following implementation comments not in parenthesis are taken verbatim from wikipedia's description of the algorithm. An important change I make is to make sure I use a priority queue. Among the many Dijkstra implementations that have been written today, I dare say this must rank among the worst... "
import std / heapqueue # (not among my standard aoc imports)
Node = tuple[coord: Coord, risk: int]
proc `<`(a, b: Node): bool = a.risk < b.risk
iterator neighbours[T](g: Grid[T], c: Coord): (Coord, Dir) =
for dir in Dir:
if not (c + dir).isOutside(g):
yield (c + dir, dir)
func dijkstra(g: GridInt): GridRisk =
# (0. initialize result)
result.xLen = g.xLen
result.yLen = g.ylen
result.sentinel = (g.sentinel, up)
# 1. Mark all nodes unvisited. Create a set of all the unvisited nodes called the unvisited set.
# (I will instead create a visited set)
# (I will also create a priority queue for unvisited nodes, but I will start populating later)
visited = initHashSet[Coord]()
unvisited = initHeapQueue[Node]()
# 2. Assign to every node a tentative distance value: set it to zero for our initial node and to infinity for all other nodes. = @[(0, up)] # risk for initial position does not count
for c in g.coords:
if c == (0, 0): continue @[result.sentinel]
# 3. For the current node, consider all of its unvisited neighbors
# and calculate their tentative distances through the current node.
# Compare the newly calculated tentative distance to the current assigned value
# and assign the smaller one
current = (0, 0)
destination = (g.xLen - 1, g.yLen - 1)
risk: int
# 5. If the destination node has been marked visited then stop. The algorithm has finished.
while destination not_in visited:
for neighbour, dir in g.neighbours(current):
if neighbour in visited:
risk = result[current].risk + g[neighbour]
if risk < result[neighbour].risk:
result[neighbour] = (risk, dir)
unvisited.push (neighbour, risk) # (push to queue)
# 4. When we are done considering all of the unvisited neighbors of the current node,
# mark the current node as visited and remove it from the unvisited set
visited.incl current
if current == destination: break # seems I need this (for puzzle input)
# 6. Otherwise, select the unvisited node that is marked with the smallest tentative distance,
# set it as the new current node, and go back to step 3.
while current in visited: # (I think it may happen that I pull from queue stuff already visited)
if len(unvisited) == 0:
debugEcho "current: ", current
raise ValueError.newException "whaaaat?"
current = unvisited.pop().coord # (pull from queue)
echo show dijkstra(hintGrid)
echo "\n", show dijkstra(testGrid)
0 9 14 15 16 1 10 5 6 7 2 3 4 13 8 0 1 7 10 17 22 23 30 34 36 1 4 12 11 14 21 23 29 32 34 3 4 7 13 18 19 20 23 25 33 6 10 16 17 26 22 21 26 31 38 13 14 20 20 24 23 28 27 28 29 14 17 18 27 25 25 33 28 31 36 15 18 23 32 34 26 28 32 33 34 18 19 21 26 30 28 29 35 36 43 19 21 30 29 30 31 37 40 38 39 21 24 25 26 35 35 39 44 46 40
results look good!
let puzzleGridDijkstra = dijkstra(puzzleGrid)
(risk: 717, dir: down)
That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.
Part 2
Now the map is bigger, and from what I hear around, the implementation with the priority queue might be key to have a working solution now.
Let's create the bigger maps and solve part 2:
func biggerMap(g: GridInt): GridInt =
result.xLen = g.xLen*5
result.yLen = g.yLen*5
result.sentinel = g.sentinel = newSeqWith(*25): 0
for coord in result.coords:
smallCoord = (coord.x mod g.xLen, coord.y mod g.yLen)
oneUps = (coord.x div g.xLen) + (coord.y div g.yLen)
result[coord] = (g[smallCoord] + oneUps - 1) mod 9 + 1
testGridBigger = testGrid.biggerMap
puzzleGridBigger = puzzleGrid.biggerMap
echo show testGridBigger
11637517422274862853338597396444961841755517295286 13813736722492484783351359589446246169155735727126 21365113283247622439435873354154698446526571955763 36949315694715142671582625378269373648937148475914 74634171118574528222968563933317967414442817852555 13191281372421239248353234135946434524615754563572 13599124212461123532357223464346833457545794456865 31254216394236532741534764385264587549637569865174 12931385212314249632342535174345364628545647573965 23119445813422155692453326671356443778246755488935 22748628533385973964449618417555172952866628316397 24924847833513595894462461691557357271266846838237 32476224394358733541546984465265719557637682166874 47151426715826253782693736489371484759148259586125 85745282229685639333179674144428178525553928963666 24212392483532341359464345246157545635726865674683 24611235323572234643468334575457944568656815567976 42365327415347643852645875496375698651748671976285 23142496323425351743453646285456475739656758684176 34221556924533266713564437782467554889357866599146 33859739644496184175551729528666283163977739427418 35135958944624616915573572712668468382377957949348 43587335415469844652657195576376821668748793277985 58262537826937364893714847591482595861259361697236 96856393331796741444281785255539289636664139174777 35323413594643452461575456357268656746837976785794 35722346434683345754579445686568155679767926678187 53476438526458754963756986517486719762859782187396 34253517434536462854564757396567586841767869795287 45332667135644377824675548893578665991468977611257 44961841755517295286662831639777394274188841538529 46246169155735727126684683823779579493488168151459 54698446526571955763768216687487932779859814388196 69373648937148475914825958612593616972361472718347 17967414442817852555392896366641391747775241285888 46434524615754563572686567468379767857948187896815 46833457545794456865681556797679266781878137789298 64587549637569865174867197628597821873961893298417 45364628545647573965675868417678697952878971816398 56443778246755488935786659914689776112579188722368 55172952866628316397773942741888415385299952649631 57357271266846838237795794934881681514599279262561 65719557637682166874879327798598143881961925499217 71484759148259586125936169723614727183472583829458 28178525553928963666413917477752412858886352396999 57545635726865674683797678579481878968159298917926 57944568656815567976792667818781377892989248891319 75698651748671976285978218739618932984172914319528 56475739656758684176786979528789718163989182927419 67554889357866599146897761125791887223681299833479
looks good, let's go for the prize:
testGridBiggerDijkstra = testGridBigger.dijkstra
puzzleGridBiggerDijkstra = puzzleGridBigger.dijkstra
echo "part2(test): ",[^1]
echo "part2(puzzle): ",[^1]
part2(test): (risk: 315, dir: right) part2(puzzle): (risk: 2993, dir: down)
That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.