Day 6: Lanternfish 🎣🔆
Today is the classical case of: "simple (brute force) approach will work for part1 but it will not work for part2. Also it is the kind of the day where I tend to try and derive mathematical properties on some functions and get lost along the way (like last year).
This year these days I have some catch up to do (still have to post day 4 and 5, lots of viz missing) so I will go with the first stuff that comes to mind, the end result is not great so you might want to skip to the end where I give links to better solutions by advent-of-nim-mers.
Part 1
If you are still here, well,
I grew fond of the include trick that I used in day02
that I am using it even when there is totally uncalled for.
I just have to modify slightly the input: let puzzleInput = @[<input>]
and actually I do not even need to give it a nim extension, you can include
a file with any extension:
include "2021/input06.txt"
echo puzzleInput.len
echo puzzleInput[0 ..< 10], " ... ", puzzleInput[^10 .. ^1]
300 @[4, 3, 3, 5, 4, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1] ... @[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1]
We are giving a list of numbers (all between 1 and 5) and they represent "ages" of fishes that evolve with following rules:
- age decrease by 1 every time step
- after reaching 0 a fish cycles back to age 6 and spawns a new fish of age 8 (added at the end of the list) the question for part 1 is:
How many lanternfish would there be after 80 days?
First observation is the fact that there is no interaction between fishes, so I can concentrate on the evolution of a single fish. I started thinking about properites of a couple of functions $f, F$:
$f(a, s, t)$: number of generated fish at time $t from a fish of age a at time s
$f(a, s, t) = f(a, 0, t - s)$: I should not really care about $s$.
$f(a + b, s, t) = f(a, s, t - b)$
$F(a_1, ..., a_N, t)$: tot number of gen fish at time $t$ from fishes of "ages" $a_1, ... a_N$ at time 0 (I need to compute $F(\mathrm{input}, 80)$)
$F(a_1, ..., a_N, t) = f(a1, 0, t) + ... + f(aN, 0, t)$ (this is the observation above that fish evolutions are independent)
if $b_1, ... b_5$ are numbers of fishes with ages equal to $1, ..., 5$, then $F(a_1, ..., a_N, t) = b_1 \cdot f(1, 0, t) + ... + b_5 \cdot f(5, 0, t)$
using rule 3 above I only need to compute $f(1, 0, t - i)$ for $i \in 1 .. 5$
In practice I need only to compute the evolution of @[1]
The basic function that ticks evolution at every time step:
func tick(school: seq[int]): seq[int] =
result = newSeqWith(len=school.len): -1
for i, a in school:
if a == 0:
result[i] = 6
result.add 8
result[i] = a - 1
and now solution for part 1
func part1(input: seq[int], targetTime=80): (int, seq[int]) =
counts: array[0 .. 8, int]
values: array[0 .. 8, int]
for a in input:
assert a in 0 .. 8
inc counts[a]
var school = @[1]
for t in 1 .. targetTime:
school = tick school
if t >= targetTime - 4:
let i = targetTime - t + 1
assert i in 0 .. 8
values[i] = school.len
for i in 0 .. 8:
result[0] += counts[i]*values[i]
result[1] = school
let testInput = @[3, 4, 3, 1, 2]
doAssert part1(testInput)[0] == 5934
dump part1(puzzleInput)[0]
part1(puzzleInput)[0] = 387413
That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.
Part 2
And indeed we are asked to do the compute the same function but over a horizon of 256 days. I tried expecting no result and indeed the above approach does not give me an answer in a reasonable time not even for test input.
Now the approach of counts in part1 was very promising and I could have gotten a simple solution out of it (see below of examples) but somehow I decided seeing 256 that I would chunk the problem in 16 chunks of duration 16 (making things more complicated than they should be).
So I set myself to compute:
- $g(i, t) = [g_0(i, t), ... g_8(i, t)]$
- where $g(i, t)$ is a multi valued function that tells me how many fishes of age $j$ I will have at time $t$ starting from a single fish of age $i$ ($g_j(i, t)$)
func g(chunkTime: int): array[9, array[9, int]] =
school: seq[int]
for i in 0 .. 8:
school = @[i]
for t in 1 .. chunkTime:
school = tick school
for j in school:
inc result[i][j]
let chunk = g(16)
for i in 0 .. 8:
echo "i: ", i, "; results: ", chunk[i]
i: 0; results: [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] i: 1; results: [0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1] i: 2; results: [1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] i: 3; results: [0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] i: 4; results: [0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0] i: 5; results: [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0] i: 6; results: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1] i: 7; results: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] i: 8; results: [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]
and here is the function that puts together the chunks:
func part2(input: seq[int], chunk=16, times=16): int =
counts: array[0 .. 8, int]
countsNext: array[0 .. 8, int]
for i in input:
assert i in 0 .. 8
inc counts[i]
let chunkCounts = g(chunk)
for k in 1 .. times:
countsNext = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in 0 .. 8:
for j in 0 .. 8:
countsNext[j] += counts[i]*chunkCounts[i][j]
counts = countsNext
result = sum(counts)
dump part2(testInput)
dump part2(puzzleInput)
part2(testInput) = 26984457539 part2(puzzleInput) = 1738377086345
That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.
- see how simple could have been the solution if I went with the count approach looking at pmunch solution for part 2. Do not forget that he also streams his way about the solutions which is a great way to see how someone reasons starting from scratch!
- another approach for this would have been a recursive, memoized approach like the one beautifully and concisely expressed by MichalMarsalek
- Michal got nerd sniped by this and did a part 3 and a part 4 with increasingly higher target times that requires more sophisticated behaviours and even involve a nice little cryptographic primitive called the LSFR (Linear-feedback shift register). It will take me a moment to absorb all that!
- a nice animation of the count of fishes by age on a log axis; you can kind of see the exponential growth since it seems to grow linearly on the log axis.
- love the ascii fish as cursor writing the solution and what's the name of the thing where you change indentation of code to make it look like sort of image (in this case a tree branching down)?
I do not really know when I will have time do that (if ever), but I would love to try and make a little nico game with lanternfishes popping around and your submarine trying to evoke whales to kill them...