2020, Day 15: Rambunctious Recitation 🔥 🎭
This Advent of code seems to be about presents:
- First present today: rambunctious or "full of energy and difficult to control".
- Second present: Van Eck's sequence, see also the Numberphile episode
- Third present: part 2 is just simple brute force.
- Is the fourth present going to be someone from Advent of Code discovering something new about this interesting sequence?
Nothing much to say about the implementation. I had to debug a bit in order to get part 1 straight. Part 2 took around 5 seconds on my machine.
tables, times
template upd() =
## extracted since it is repeated twice
if last notin spoken:
spoken[last] = turn
elif last notin spokenAgain:
spokenAgain[last] = turn
spoken[last] = spokenAgain[last]
spokenAgain[last] = turn
var nTurns = 2020
proc play(numbers: openarray[int]): int =
spoken = initTable[int, int]()
spokenAgain = initTable[int, int]()
last: int
for turn in 1 .. nTurns:
if turn <= numbers.len:
last = numbers[turn - 1]
spoken[last] = turn
elif last in spoken and last notIn spokenAgain:
last = 0
elif last in spoken and last in spokenAgain:
last = spokenAgain[last] - spoken[last]
return -1
echo play [0, 3, 6] ## 436
echo play [1, 3, 2] ## 1
echo play [2, 1, 3] ## 10
echo play [1, 2, 3] ## 27
echo play [2, 3, 1] ## 78
echo play [3, 2, 1] ## 438
echo play [3, 1, 2] ## 1836
echo "part 1: ", play [15, 5, 1, 4, 7, 0] ## 1259
436 1 10 27 78 438 1836 part 1: 1259
That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.
nTurns = 30000000
echo play [0, 3, 6] ## 175594
echo play [1, 3, 2] ## 2578
echo play [2, 1, 3] ## 3544142
echo play [1, 2, 3] ## 261214
echo play [2, 3, 1] ## 6895259
echo play [3, 2, 1] ## 18
echo play [3, 1, 2] ## 362
let start = now()
echo "part 2: ", play [15, 5, 1, 4, 7, 0] ## 689
echo "part 2 completed in ", now() - start
175594 2578 3544142 261214 6895259 18 362 part 2: 689 part 2 completed in 5 seconds, 502 milliseconds, 622 microseconds, and 600 nanoseconds
That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.