🏡 2020\day12.nim

2020, Day 12: Rain risk ☔ ⛴

Another classic AOC in moving according to directions. Nice change of specs from part1 to part2, but I just added a proc overload and I was good to go (although my "legacy" Enum names do not really shine in part2). I did implement the bare minimum (while being my usual verbose, I am sure other people have much more synthetic solutions) and got away with it very quick.

As for imports today is just one. Yep parseEnum and parseInt are in strutils and not in parseutils. parseutils contains parse functions that return an int.


All my types below. Using Vec2 both for pos and dir although I could go fancy and use a distinct UnitVec2

  Vec2 = tuple[x, y: int]
  Ship = object
    pos: Vec2
    dir: Vec2                ## it could be a distinct type (UnitVec2)
  InstructionKind = enum
    goNorth = "N", goEast = "E", goSouth = "S", goWest = "W", goForward = "F",
    rotLeft = "L", rotRight = "R" ## here I am breaking from naming convention of enums
  Instruction = object
    kind: InstructionKind
    val: int

template will be useful between example and input and also for part2

var ship: Ship
template resetShip() =
  ship.pos = (0, 0)
  ship.dir = (1, 0)


no need to come up with fancy names. parse is fine.

proc parse(text: string): seq[Instruction] =
  var instr: Instruction
  for line in text.splitLines:
    instr.kind = parseEnum[InstructionKind](line[0 .. 0])
    instr.val = parseInt(line[1 .. ^1])
    result.add instr

let example = """F10
echo parse example
@[(kind: F, val: 10), (kind: N, val: 3), (kind: F, val: 7), (kind: R, val: 90), (kind: F, val: 11)]

my set of functions for Vec2, I will support only left rotation...

func `+`(v, w: Vec2): Vec2 =
  (v.x + w.x, v.y + w.y)

func `*`(s: int; v: Vec2): Vec2 =
  (s * v.x, s * v.y)

func rotL(v: Vec2; deg: int): Vec2 =
  case deg
  of 180, -180:
    (-v.x, -v.y)
  of 90, -270:
    (-v.y, v.x)              ## (1, 0) -> (0, 1) -> (-1, 0)
  of -90, 270:
    (v.y, -v.x)              ## (1, 0) -> (0, -1) -> (-1, 0)
    debugEcho "ERROR not supported"
    (0, 0)

template `+=`(a, b: untyped) =
  a = a + b

func manhattan(ship: Ship): int =
  ## I could do it for a Vec2 but I will use it only for the ship, so...
  abs(ship.pos.x) + abs(ship.pos.y)

heart of the solution is this, rather straightforward now:

proc move(ship: var Ship; instr: Instruction) =
  case instr.kind
  of goForward:
    ship.pos += instr.val * ship.dir
  of goNorth:
    ship.pos += instr.val * (0, 1)
  of goEast:
    ship.pos += instr.val * (1, 0)
  of goSouth:
    ship.pos += instr.val * (0, -1)
  of goWest:
    ship.pos += instr.val * (-1, 0)
  of rotLeft:
    ship.dir = ship.dir.rotL(instr.val)
  of rotRight:
    ship.dir = ship.dir.rotL(-instr.val)

Let's move according to example instructions, printing out in case I need to debug

echo ship
for instr in parse(example):
  ship.move instr
  echo "-> ", instr
  echo ship
echo manhattan ship          ## 25
(pos: (x: 0, y: 0), dir: (x: 1, y: 0))
-> (kind: F, val: 10)
(pos: (x: 10, y: 0), dir: (x: 1, y: 0))
-> (kind: N, val: 3)
(pos: (x: 10, y: 3), dir: (x: 1, y: 0))
-> (kind: F, val: 7)
(pos: (x: 17, y: 3), dir: (x: 1, y: 0))
-> (kind: R, val: 90)
(pos: (x: 17, y: 3), dir: (x: 0, y: -1))
-> (kind: F, val: 11)
(pos: (x: 17, y: -8), dir: (x: 0, y: -1))

all good, now the input!

let input = "2020/input12.txt".readFile
for instr in parse(input):
  ship.move instr
echo manhattan ship          ## 1601

That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.


I just add a waypoint var and add overload for move:

var waypoint: Vec2
template resetWaypoint() =
  waypoint = (10, 1)

proc move(ship: var Ship; waypoint: var Vec2; instr: Instruction) =
  case instr.kind
  of goForward:
    ship.pos += instr.val * waypoint
  of goNorth:
    waypoint += instr.val * (0, 1)
  of goEast:
    waypoint += instr.val * (1, 0)
  of goSouth:
    waypoint += instr.val * (0, -1)
  of goWest:
    waypoint += instr.val * (-1, 0)
  of rotLeft:
    waypoint = waypoint.rotL(instr.val)
  of rotRight:
    waypoint = waypoint.rotL(-instr.val)

echo ship
for instr in parse(example):
  ship.move(waypoint, instr)
  echo "W: ", waypoint
  echo "-> ", instr
  echo ship
echo manhattan ship
for instr in parse(input):
  ship.move(waypoint, instr)
echo manhattan ship
(pos: (x: 0, y: 0), dir: (x: 1, y: 0))
W: (x: 10, y: 1)
-> (kind: F, val: 10)
(pos: (x: 100, y: 10), dir: (x: 1, y: 0))
W: (x: 10, y: 4)
-> (kind: N, val: 3)
(pos: (x: 100, y: 10), dir: (x: 1, y: 0))
W: (x: 10, y: 4)
-> (kind: F, val: 7)
(pos: (x: 170, y: 38), dir: (x: 1, y: 0))
W: (x: 4, y: -10)
-> (kind: R, val: 90)
(pos: (x: 170, y: 38), dir: (x: 1, y: 0))
W: (x: 4, y: -10)
-> (kind: F, val: 11)
(pos: (x: 214, y: -72), dir: (x: 1, y: 0))

That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.

I was a bit nervous about this day 12 since last two years day 12 is where I started to lag behind. Instead it was a piece of cake 🍰 and my fastest ⚡ submission with no bugs 🐞.

I probably am becoming a little better at this, but I do have a feeling like this year is slightly easier, maybe Eric is cutting us some slack because of, you know, 2020...

Of course I will regret just saying this tomorrow and the next days... 😱

import nimib, animu, nimoji

nbText: """## 2020, Day 12: Rain risk :umbrella: :ferry:

Another classic AOC in moving according to directions.
Nice change of specs from part1 to part2,
but I just added a proc overload and I was good to go
(although my "legacy" Enum names do not really shine in part2).
I did implement the bare minimum (while being my usual verbose,
I am sure other people have much more synthetic solutions)
and got away with it very quick.

As for imports today is just one. Yep `parseEnum` and `parseInt`
are in `strutils` and not in `parseutils`.
`parseutils` contains parse functions that return an `int`.

  import strutils

nbText: "All my types below. Using Vec2 both for pos and dir although I could go fancy and use a distinct UnitVec2"
    Vec2 = tuple[x, y: int]
    Ship = object
      pos: Vec2
      dir: Vec2 ## it could be a distinct type (UnitVec2)
    InstructionKind = enum
      goNorth = "N", goEast = "E", goSouth = "S", goWest = "W",
      goForward = "F", rotLeft = "L", rotRight = "R"
      ## here I am breaking from naming convention of enums
    Instruction = object
      kind: InstructionKind
      val: int

nbText: "template will be useful between example and input and also for part2"
  var ship: Ship
  template resetShip =
    ship.pos = (0, 0)
    ship.dir = (1, 0)

nbText: "no need to come up with fancy names. `parse` is fine."
  proc parse(text: string): seq[Instruction] =
    var instr: Instruction
    for line in text.splitLines:
      instr.kind = parseEnum[InstructionKind](line[0..0])
      instr.val = parseInt(line[1 .. ^1])
      result.add instr

  let example = """F10

  echo parse example

nbText: "my set of functions for Vec2, I will support only left rotation..."
  func `+`(v,w: Vec2): Vec2 = (v.x + w.x, v.y + w.y)
  func `*`(s: int, v: Vec2): Vec2 = (s*v.x, s*v.y)
  func rotL(v: Vec2, deg: int): Vec2 =
    case deg:
      of 180, -180:
        (-v.x, -v.y)
      of 90, -270:
        (-v.y, v.x) ## (1, 0) -> (0, 1) -> (-1, 0)
      of -90, 270:
        (v.y, -v.x) ## (1, 0) -> (0, -1) -> (-1, 0)
        debugEcho "ERROR not supported"
        (0, 0)
  template `+=`(a, b: untyped) =
    a = a + b

  func manhattan(ship: Ship): int =
    ## I could do it for a Vec2 but I will use it only for the ship, so...
    abs(ship.pos.x) + abs(ship.pos.y)

nbText: "heart of the solution is this, rather straightforward now:"
  proc move(ship: var Ship, instr: Instruction) =
    case instr.kind:
      of goForward:
        ship.pos += instr.val*ship.dir
      of goNorth:
        ship.pos += instr.val*(0, 1)
      of goEast:
        ship.pos += instr.val*(1, 0)
      of goSouth:
        ship.pos += instr.val*(0, -1)
      of goWest:
        ship.pos += instr.val*(-1, 0)
      of rotLeft:
        ship.dir = ship.dir.rotL(instr.val)
      of rotRight:
        ship.dir = ship.dir.rotL(-instr.val)

nbText: "Let's move according to example instructions, printing out in case I need to debug"
  echo ship
  for instr in parse(example):
    ship.move instr
    echo "-> ", instr
    echo ship

  echo manhattan ship ## 25

nbText: "all good, now the input!"
  let input = "2020/input12.txt".readFile

  for instr in parse(input):
    ship.move instr

  echo manhattan ship  ## 1601


nbText: "### Part2\nI just add a waypoint var and add overload for `move`:"
  var waypoint: Vec2
  template resetWaypoint =
    waypoint = (10, 1)

  proc move(ship: var Ship, waypoint: var Vec2, instr: Instruction) =
    case instr.kind:
      of goForward:
        ship.pos += instr.val*waypoint
      of goNorth:
        waypoint += instr.val*(0, 1)
      of goEast:
        waypoint += instr.val*(1, 0)
      of goSouth:
        waypoint += instr.val*(0, -1)
      of goWest:
        waypoint += instr.val*(-1, 0)
      of rotLeft:
        waypoint = waypoint.rotL(instr.val)
      of rotRight:
        waypoint = waypoint.rotL(-instr.val)

  echo ship
  for instr in parse(example):
    ship.move(waypoint, instr)
    echo "W: ", waypoint
    echo "-> ", instr
    echo ship

  echo manhattan ship

  for instr in parse(input):
    ship.move(waypoint, instr)

  echo manhattan ship


nbText: """
I was a bit nervous about this day 12 since last two years day 12 is where
I started to lag behind.
Instead it was a piece of cake :cake: and my fastest :zap: submission with no bugs :beetle:.

I probably am becoming a little better at this, but I do have a feeling like
this year is slightly easier, maybe Eric is cutting us some slack because of, you know, 2020...

Of course I will regret just saying this tomorrow and the next days... :scream:
# the only error I got today was when compiling after the nimib version:
# the usual error on parsing the example (forgot to dedent the multiline)
# I probably should add to nimib something like the following:
nbSaveCode # saves a nim file with just code
nbAddCodeSource # adds to context the content of code blocks (it should be then made available from html for easier extraction)
# in particular all code snippets should have easy pasting of code and you should also have a complete pasting for the whole code snippets