--- Day 4: Passport Processing ---

I came with such an ugly solution that now I really have to learn regexs for good

  PassField = enum
    byr, iyr, eyr, hgt, hcl, ecl, pid, cid
  PassPort = Table[PassField, string]
  Input = distinct string
  input = "2020/input04.txt".readFile.Input
  example = """ecl:gry pid:860033327 eyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd
byr:1937 iyr:2017 cid:147 hgt:183cm

iyr:2013 ecl:amb cid:350 eyr:2023 pid:028048884
hcl:#cfa07d byr:1929

hcl:#ae17e1 iyr:2013
ecl:brn pid:760753108 byr:1931

hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2025 pid:166559648
iyr:2011 ecl:brn hgt:59in""".Input
proc parse(line: string): seq[tuple[f: PassField, s: string]] =
  for s in line.split:
    if s == "":
    let t = s.split(':')
    result.add (parseEnum[PassField](t[0]), t[1])

proc parse(batch: Input): seq[PassPort] =
  var p: PassPort
  p = initTable[PassField, string]()
  for line in batch.string.splitLines:
    if line.len == 0:
      result.add p
      p = initTable[PassField, string]()
    for v in line.strip.parse:
      p[v.f] = v.s
  result.add p

proc isValid(p: PassPort): bool =
  p.len == 8 or (p.len == 7 and cid notIn p)

proc countValid(s: seq[PassPort]): int =
  for p in s:
    if p.isValid:
      inc result

  pass0 = example.parse
  pass1 = input.parse
echo pass0.countValid
echo pass1.countValid

That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.

  colors = "amb blu brn gry grn hzl oth".split()
proc validHgt(s: string): bool =
  var num: BiggestInt
  if s.endsWith("cm"):
    parseBiggestInt(s[0 .. ^3], num) != 0 and num >= 150 and num <= 193
  elif s.endsWith("in"):
    parseBiggestInt(s[0 .. ^3], num) != 0 and num >= 59 and num <= 76

template myEcho(s: string) =

proc isGood(p: PassPort): bool =
  if not p.isValid:
    return false
  var num: BiggestInt
  myEcho $p
  if parseBiggestInt(p[byr], num) != 4 or num < 1920 or num > 2002:
    myEcho "invalid p[byr] " & p[byr]
    return false
  myEcho "valid p[byr] " & p[byr]
  if parseBiggestInt(p[iyr], num) != 4 or num < 2010 or num > 2020:
    myEcho "invalid p[iyr] " & p[iyr]
    return false
  myEcho "valid p[iyr] " & p[iyr]
  if parseBiggestInt(p[eyr], num) != 4 or num < 2020 or num > 2030:
    myEcho "invalid p[eyr] " & p[eyr]
    return false
  myEcho "valid p[eyr] " & p[eyr]
  if p[ecl] notIn colors:
    myEcho "invalid p[ecl] " & p[ecl]
    return false
  myEcho "valid p[ecl] " & p[ecl]
  var color: string
  if not p[hcl].startsWith("#") or p[hcl].len != 7 or
      p[hcl].parseWhile(color, {'0' .. '9', 'a' .. 'f'}, start = 1) != 6:
    myEcho "invalid p[hcl] " & p[hcl]
    return false
  myEcho "valid p[hcl] " & p[hcl]
  if not (p[hgt].validHgt):
    myEcho "invalid p[hgt] " & p[hgt]
    return false
  myEcho "valid p[hgt] " & p[hgt]
  var digits: string
  if p[pid].parseWhile(digits, {'0' .. '9'}) != 9:
    myEcho "invalid p[pid] " & p[pid]
    return false
  myEcho "valid p[pid] " & p[pid]
  myEcho "ALLGOOD"
  return true

proc countGood(s: seq[PassPort]): int =
  for p in s:
    if p.isGood:
      inc result

echo pass0.countGood
echo pass1.countGood

That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.

github repo for all my solutions: 🎄👑adventofnim;

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