--- Day 1: Report Repair ---
let input: seq[int] = toSeq("2020/input01.txt".lines).map(parseInt)
echo input.len
echo input[0 .. 10]
echo input[^10 .. ^1]
200 @[1583, 1295, 1747, 1628, 1756, 1992, 1984, 1990, 2006, 1626, 1292] @[1743, 1909, 1451, 2000, 1978, 1938, 1707, 1337, 1362, 1263]
-- Part 1 --
solution to parse 1 does not necessarily even needs to parse the whole input. this solution is correct also for the edge case 2010 + 2010
var s, t: seq[int]
for n in input:
if n < 1010:
t.add n
if 2020 - n in s:
echo "part 1: ", n * (2020 - n)
s.add n
part 1: 538464
That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.
-- Part 2 --
block outer:
for i, n in s:
for m in s[(i + 1) .. ^1]:
for k in t:
if n + m + k == 2020:
echo "part 2: ", n * m * k
break outer
if n + m + k > 2020:
part 2: 278783190
That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to saving your vacation.